

7 months ago
Diabetes is a chronic clinical condition which affects millions of people worldwide. Several data suggest that around 101 million people have diabetes in India. Though medical advancements have significantly reduced the mortality rate of this disease, however, patients suffering from diabetes undergo tremendous mental and physical trauma. Certain lifestyles, diets, and other changes can help manage complications of diabetes. Read more: https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/diabetes/diabetes-exercise-diet-lifestyle #diabetes #chronic #healthcare #pharma #mrmed #specialitymedicine
8 months ago
Don't Fry-Day: Everything You Should Know Of Skin Cancer Awareness The uncontrolled growth of abnormal skin cells often characterizes skin cancer. These alterations prompt the cells to increase quickly and develop into malignant tumors. Globally acknowledged as the most prevalent form of cancer, skin cancer primarily appears in three major types: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Read more: https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/skin-care/skin-cancer-awareness #skincare #skincancerawareness #tumor #criticalmedicine #specialitymedicine