

9 months ago
Discover the hidden dangers of counterfeit medicines. 1. Counterfeit medicines cost the global economy an estimated $200 billion. 2. Counterfeit medicines might contain ingredients like rat poison or floor wax. 3. Nearly 10% of global medicines are counterfeit. 4. Takin counterfeit medicines can undermine the effectiveness of other medicines. Know more: https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/health-care/innovations-packaging-fight-counterfeit #counterfietmedicine #fakemedicines #indianpharma #economy #mrmed #specialitymedicines #medicinescam #HealthCare
9 months ago
8 Essential Self-Care Tips For Cancer Caregivers There are different types of caregivers for people fighting cancer. Some may be family members, friends, or loved ones. People of different cultures and races give care in their own way. It is different for every situation, and there is no one way that works best for everyone. Read more : https://www.mrmed.in/health-library/cancer-care/self-care-for-cancer-caregivers #cancercare #cancerawareness #selfcaretips #cancermeds #mrmed #indianpharmacy #specialitymedicines