

7 months ago
8 months ago
India is rapidly emerging as a global aerospace powerhouse, luring aviation giants with its skilled talent and cost-efficacy. Major players like Boeing, Airbus, and GE are expanding Indian operations, fostering a thriving ecosystem of domestic suppliers feeding into global supply chains. #Aerospace #India #Manufacturing #SupplyChains #Boeing #BoeingIndia #Airbus #AirbusIndia #DBSchenker #GEAerospace #RollsRoyce #GMRAeroTechnic #TataAdvancedSystemsLimited #MahindraAerospaceStructuresPrivateLimited #Aviation #AirCargo https://www.stattimes.com/air-cargo/indias-rising-role-in-aerospace-manufacturing-and-supply-chains-1352037
1 year ago
The Importance of Custom ERP Software For The Mining Industry https://erpsolutions.oodles.io/blog/custom-erp-software-mining/ In this blog post, we shall delve into the importance of custom ERP software for the mining industry with a focus on the benefits it delivers to various enterprises. #customerp #erp #MiningIndustry #ERPSoftware #CustomERPSoftware #supplychains #erpdevelopment
2 years ago
Increasing Business Efficiency with Digital Supply Chains An organization’s success depends on the efficiency of its supply chain to deliver goods and services to meet specific customer requirements. Supply Chains today rely on digital technologies to ensure accuracy, delivery, and optimization. According to a McKinsey study (February 2017), the average supply chain has a digitization level of 43 percent. Let’s explore how digital supply chains are increasing the operational efficiency of businesses. We are an ERP development company that builds custom algorithms to predict and produce the optimum product quantity to prevent surplus and meet customer requirements. For more, visit this link https://erpsolutions.oodles.io/blog/digital-supply-chains/ #SupplyChains #DigitalSupplyChains #ERP #ERPDevelopment #SupplyChainManagement #BusinessIntelligence #SmartAutomation #supplychainsoftware #LogisticsSoftware
2 years ago
How Investment in Trade Finance Can Help SMEs Thrive? A healthy trading system depends on the availability of finance. Up to 80% of current Global Trade Finance is backed by credit insurance or other financing. However, there are sizable gaps in the available resources, making it difficult for many businesses to access the necessary financial tools. With sufficient trade finance, businesses can have the resources they need to trade and grow, taking advantage of opportunities for development and expansion. Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) need help finding financing with favourable terms. This is especially concerning because SMEs constitute a significant force in trade, employment, and economic growth. According to research, SMEs encounter these obstacles in developed and developing nations, but the difficulties are most significant in lower-income countries. Trade digitalization has no definition, but it typically entails the digital twining of supply chains, the dematerialization of documents, and the digital data exchange. It means adding an electronic or computerized layer to business processes. A key distinction in the new reality is that digitalization also refers to using digital channels to assist SMEs in creating value. By doing away with paper-based transactions, SMEs can increase productivity and transparency while avoiding delays brought on by physical documents getting misplaced or destroyed along the way. Read more: https://www.emeriobanque.com/blogs/how-investment-in-trade-finance-can-help-smes-thrive #GlobalTradeFinance #tradefinance #supplychains #SMEs #TradeFinanceServices #Letterofcredit #Tradefinanceinstruments
2 years ago
2 years ago
Cargo markets in Asia-Pacific, Middle East to remain robust: ACI #AirportsCouncilInternational #travelrestrictions #geopoliticalinstability #easternEurope #supplychains #CargoTraffic #Cargomarkets #EuropeAsiacargo #MiddleEasternhubs #Russia #aircargovolumes #SoutheastAsia #ICAO #COVID19pandemic #SouthAsia #MiddleEast #China #EastAsiancountries #Europe #groundhandling #AsiaPacific #airports #digitaltechnologies #reskilling #upskilling #ACI #ZeroCovid https://www.logupdateafrica.com/air-cargo/cargo-markets-in-asia-pacific-middle-east-to-remain-robust-aci-1346117
2 years ago
Cargo market in Asia-Pacific and the Middle East appear robust; emerging East Asia records largest cargo shares in the region #AirportsCouncilInternational #travelrestrictions #geopoliticalinstability #easternEurope #supplychains #CargoTraffic #Cargomarkets #Europe_Asiacargo #MiddleEasternhubs #Russia #aircargovolumes #SoutheastAsia #ACIAsia_Pacific #ICAO #COVID_19pandemic #SouthAsia #MiddleEast #China #Europe #groundhandling #Asia_Pacific #airports #digitaltechnologies #reskilling #upskilling #ACI #zero_Covidpolicy https://www.stattimes.com/cargo-airports/cargo-demand-continues-despite-challenging-macro-economic-scenario-aci-asia-pacific-industry-outlook-1346115