

Surgical Wound Consult What Are Surgical Wounds? As the name implies, a surgical wound is a cut or incision in the skin made by surgeons while performing a surgery on a patient. These wounds can vary in size and are generally made by a scalpel. When a patient is back home after his/her surgery, a proper postoperative surgical wound care is essential to prevent the wound from being infected. So, follow the instructions provided by the doctors and keep an eye on the cuts or incisions to find out the signs of infection, bleeding or swelling. If found any, immediately contact surgical wound consult to reduce the risks of future medical complications. Risk Factors For Surgical Wound Infections A variety of risk factors that can increase the chances of infection in a surgical wound such as: 1. If a patient is having any medical issues like diabetes, or weak immune system 2. Smoking habits 3. Old age 4. Obesity etc. Read more: https://www.zupyak.com/p/3247886/t/surgical-wound-consult #woundspecialistnearme #SurgicalWoundConsult #SurgicalWoundInfections #surgicalwounds #woundcare #woundclinicnearme
Post-Operative Surgical Wound Care - Essential Tips Post-operative surgical wound care not only helps keep the wounds infection-free but also promotes wound healing. So, when you are back home after going through surgery, keep an eye on the cuts or incisions made by the surgeons to look for the signs of infection, swelling, or bleeding. It will decrease the chances of any medical complications in the future. Therefore, it is important to follow the instructions provided by surgical wound consult to reduce scarring and limit the risk of infection. What Is A Surgical Wound? Also known as an incision, it is a cut made in your skin during surgery. It can be sewed, stapled, taped, or glued together. They can vary in size and location but with proper care, they can sooner back to the normal stage. How To Take Care Of Surgical Wounds At Home? ​Surgical wounds take time to heal as they heal from the bottom to the top. If a patient has undergone surgery and is taking care of them at home, here are a few things to be considered. Read more: https://woundcaresurgeon.weebly.com/blog/post-operative-surgical-wound-care-essential-tips #surgicalwoundconsult #Surgicalwounds #woundcareatbedside #woundcaredoctors #wounds