

Should I Visit a Wound Care Specialist or a Hospital? According to a study, chronic wounds affect over 7 million patients annually. When you have a wound which is painful & won’t heal in weeks or months, it can have a lasting impact on your daily routine. In this blog, we will explore why & when you should see the wound specialist near me and how an improved wound care treatment can help you reduce the risk of complications and ensure a faster, proper recovery. Keep reading to know: Wounds: The Basics Any wound is an injury to the living tissues where the skin is cut or broken. A simple crack or scrape in the skin leaves the underlying tissues exposed to foreign materials. Wounds can be the result of trauma, surgery, burns or infection. Minor wounds such as cuts, scrapes or punctures can be easily treated with traditional medical approaches to avoid infections. These traditional methods include appropriate dressings & therapies, debridements, minimally invasive & microsurgery and more. But when we say “Wound care”, it refers to a specialized type of treatment under the supervision of a Top wound care doctor near me who goes beyond the traditional approaches of a band-aid for minor cuts, scrapes or abrasions. They bring improved & advanced care to patients for wounds which are difficult to manage. Not all wounds are the same or heal within a significant amount of time. These wounds take months to heal and are known as chronic or non-healing. They typically result from underlying conditions such as poor blood flow, low oxygen, or circulation complexities in the legs from diabetes or prolonged pressure due to immobility etc. Read more: https://woundcaresurgeons340258783.wordpress.com/2022/11/10/should-i-visit-a-wound-care-specialist-or-a-hospital/ #woundcaredoctornearme #Wounds #woundspecialistnearme #Surgicalwounds #woundcarenearme #woundclinicnearme
How to Heal Surgical Wounds Quickly? According to statistics, nearly 2.5% of patients who have undergone the surgery are suffering from non-healing or slow-healing surgical wounds. Although this statistical data is quite favorable, if we see ourselves with the possibility of having ease of surgery in the upcoming future, what if we are one of those who fall under this percentage? It can be frustrating that now you have recovered from a condition through a successful surgery but now are suffering miserably from a non-healing or infected surgical wound. You start wondering, “Is there any possible way of speeding up the healing process after surgery?” The answer is Yes but it completely depends on the patient’s situation and the severity of the wound infection. For example, many surgical wounds can be treated with antibiotics to prevent infection. But a patient with some underlying conditions such as health issues or other risk factors is more prone to non-healing surgical wounds. 1. What Are Non-Healing Surgical Wounds? 2. Recovering From Surgery? Speed Up The Healing Process with These Tips 3. IV Antibiotic Therapies 4. Special Dressings & Therapies 5. Minimal Invasive & Microsurgeries 6. Follow Wound Care Instructions Surgical recoveries vary and can last for weeks to months. Make sure to gather all the relevant & necessary information on clinic visits, workouts, medication, or proper wound care at home. Read more: https://woundcaresurgeons340258783.wordpress.com/2022/09/09/how-to-heal-surgical-wounds-quickly/ #woundcaretreatmentCalifornia #surgicalwounds #Woundcareatbedside #woundcaredoctors #NonHealingSurgicalWounds
Surgical Wound Consult What Are Surgical Wounds? As the name implies, a surgical wound is a cut or incision in the skin made by surgeons while performing a surgery on a patient. These wounds can vary in size and are generally made by a scalpel. When a patient is back home after his/her surgery, a proper postoperative surgical wound care is essential to prevent the wound from being infected. So, follow the instructions provided by the doctors and keep an eye on the cuts or incisions to find out the signs of infection, bleeding or swelling. If found any, immediately contact surgical wound consult to reduce the risks of future medical complications. Risk Factors For Surgical Wound Infections A variety of risk factors that can increase the chances of infection in a surgical wound such as: 1. If a patient is having any medical issues like diabetes, or weak immune system 2. Smoking habits 3. Old age 4. Obesity etc. Read more: https://www.zupyak.com/p/3247886/t/surgical-wound-consult #woundspecialistnearme #SurgicalWoundConsult #SurgicalWoundInfections #surgicalwounds #woundcare #woundclinicnearme
Post-Operative Surgical Wound Care - Essential Tips Post-operative surgical wound care not only helps keep the wounds infection-free but also promotes wound healing. So, when you are back home after going through surgery, keep an eye on the cuts or incisions made by the surgeons to look for the signs of infection, swelling, or bleeding. It will decrease the chances of any medical complications in the future. Therefore, it is important to follow the instructions provided by surgical wound consult to reduce scarring and limit the risk of infection. What Is A Surgical Wound? Also known as an incision, it is a cut made in your skin during surgery. It can be sewed, stapled, taped, or glued together. They can vary in size and location but with proper care, they can sooner back to the normal stage. How To Take Care Of Surgical Wounds At Home? ​Surgical wounds take time to heal as they heal from the bottom to the top. If a patient has undergone surgery and is taking care of them at home, here are a few things to be considered. Read more: https://woundcaresurgeon.weebly.com/blog/post-operative-surgical-wound-care-essential-tips #surgicalwoundconsult #Surgicalwounds #woundcareatbedside #woundcaredoctors #wounds