

8 months ago
FULLY AUTOMATED DIRECTIONAL DRILLING FOR CONSISTENCY AND IMPROVED PERFORMANCE | Helmerich and Payne With the high rates of penetration achieved by today’s drilling contractors, directional drillers have little time to make optimal steering decisions in a continually changing environment. Even when proper directional drilling decisions have been made, flawless execution of each decision can be difficult to perform.   Performance related to drilling speed, drilling accuracy, and tortuosity are often inconsistent and greatly determined by the experience, skills, and even the current state of mind of both the directional driller and the driller. These factors lead to increased drilling and lifting costs along with wells having inconsistent hydrocarbon production potential. Watch out our video to know more about H&P Drilling Performance: https://youtu.be/Ee4BIOjTqWM?si=lusNyZpQe4vCKKcB.   Today, directional drilling tasks are increasingly automated to deliver more consistent and improved performance in the field. Before automation can control the physical equipment on the rig, a foundation built upon automated decision-making is critical. An automated bit guidance system provides this foundation and has drilled more than 800 wells successfully across all of the major unconventional plays in North America.   Building upon the decision-making foundation, the next level of automation executes the steering decisions from the bit guidance system automatically. Slide sequences are initiated, executed, and terminated by directly linking the bit guidance system with the rig’s existing control system. Read out the full tech paper by visiting us here: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/resources/technical-publications/fully-automated-directional-drilling-for-consistency-and-improved-performance or you can also access the PDF of the same from here: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/media/technical-publications/Fully-Automated-Directional-Drilling-for-Consistency-and-Improved-Performance.pdf. Want to know more about us? Then reach out to us at: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/contact. #automateddirectionaldrilling #improvedperformance #helmerichandpayne #techpaper
Helmerich & Payne Drilling Performance 2023 | Drilling Contractor H&P