

2 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
Texas Governor Greg Abbott orders state child welfare agency to investigate and prosecute parents who allow their children to undergo sex change procedures including puberty blockers! Recently Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton declared sex-change procedures involving transitioning minors constitute child abuse under state law! #Trans #Transgender #GregAbbott #KenPaxton https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10544213/Texas-Governor-Greg-Abbott-brands-transgender-procedures-children-child-abuse.html
3 years ago
Move to house #transgender inmates in women’s prisons spurs backlash over safety! More transgender convicts than ever are making their way to women’s prisons, a victory for the gender identity movement but not necessarily for female inmates forced to share their living spaces with the new arrivals. #KeepPrisonsSingleSex #WomensPrisons #NoXYinXXPrisons https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2022/feb/16/move-house-transgender-inmates-womens-prisons-spur/
3 years ago
#Transgender swimmers #LiaThomas and #IszacHenig - who is competing as a woman and goes topless - post fastest split times in relay race as Ivy League Women's Championships kick off four-day meet! Both swam fastest relay times on the first night of the #IvyLeagueWomensChampionship leading to further questions about their continued participation in the sporting competition! #PennCheats https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10522139/Transgender-swimmers-post-fastest-split-times-relay-race-Ivy-League-womens-championship.html
3 years ago
Women’s groups unite in bid to secure safe single-sex spaces More than a dozen groups opposing violence against women from across Scotland have united to launch a new network to preserve single-sex spaces. #Scotland #SingleSexSpaces #Trans #Transgender https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/womens-groups-unite-in-bid-to-secure-safe-single-sex-spaces-k2k0sprxj
3 years ago
An “army of women” has formed to fight Nicola Sturgeon's controversial #transgender reforms after being ostracised by established feminist groups, a study has found! A growing number of female opponents are determined to defeat First Minister's controversial plans, says study #Scotland #Women #NicolaSturgeon https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/02/14/army-women-mobilised-fight-nicola-sturgeons-transgender-reforms1/
3 years ago
School sends letter to parents of 'six-year-old' warning of transphobic behaviour! Primary school staff on the #IsleofWight warned a six-year-old boy's parents that he may be deemed 'transphobic' if he were to question another pupil wearing a dress. "Their six-year-old son came home confused that a kid in his class wore a dress" #Trans #Transgender #School https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10509429/School-sends-letter-parents-six-year-old-warning-transphobic-behaviour.html
3 years ago
Senate ad slams #transgender athletes ‘pretending to be women’ Criticizing collegiate swimmer Lia Thomas, Missouri GOP Rep. Vicky Hartzler says she “won’t look away while woke liberals destroy women’s sports.” “Women’s sports are for women, not men pretending to be women,” #SaveWomensSports #SaveGirlsSports #LiaThomas #VickyHartzler https://www.politico.com/news/2022/02/13/missouri-senate-ad-slams-transgender-athletes-00008540
3 years ago
Girl Guides CEO sacked over #transgender tweet! A former Girl Guides chief executive who was sacked for raising concerns about transgender policy claims the century-old organisation has “capitulated to a radical ideology that works against the rights of girls and women”. #GirlGuiding #KarynLisignoli #Australia #Trans https://www.news.com.au/finance/work/leaders/cancel-culture-girl-guides-ceo-sacked-over-transgender-tweet/news-story/b9bfa1a2ceb33f26ba57a972fc504e26