How Wound Vac Treatment Heals Chronic Wounds?
If you have just gone through surgery or have been suffering from any kind of acute or chronic wounds, your wound care surgeon might recommend you a wound vac therapy to heal the wound efficiently. But what is it? And how does it help treat patients? Read on to know.
What is wound vac therapy?
Also known as Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT), or vacuum-assisted closure therapy, a wound vac treatment is a method of treating the wounds using a special dressing connected to a battery-powered vacuum (suction) pump that sucks all the fluids and infections from the wound accelerate its healing speed.
What happens during the wound vac procedure?
During the wound vac treatment, the healthcare professionals apply a special bandage on the wound site which has an attached pump. It creates negative pressure on the open wound and pulls the edges of the wound together. Here, negative pressure means the patient experiences lower pressure over the wound than the pressure in the atmosphere. Before performing the therapy, the wound should be properly cleaned and dried.
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How Wound Vac Treatment Heals Chronic Wounds?
A wound vac treatment is a method of draining out all the extra fluid & bacteria from the chronic wound site using a suction pump and a special dressing. Read its benefits.