1 year ago
PREMIUM NIGHT RECOVERY FORMULA: Organic ingredients from Egypt and Italy allows us to pack every drop of your night seed oil with skin-nurturing properties such as Thymoquinone, omega-3, 6 and 9, proteins, minerals, and vitamins E, C, and D. Your skin will be more hydrated, feel smoother, and your complexion will be in perfect balance from the moment you wake up. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hayaty-Egyptian-Blessed-Organic-Jojoba/dp/B0B59Q3MFR/ref=sr_1_1?crid=GSOPZO4DUXAP&keywords=hayaty&qid=1691659440&sprefix=hayaty%2Caps%2C428&sr=8-1 #nightoilforface #egyptiannightcream #halalcreamforface #blessedblackseedoil #faceoilsfornight #hayatblackcuminoil #thebeautysecretsegypt #egyptianskincareproducts #egyptianblackseedoil #healyourskin