Mioola is a free site and will never require users to pay to continue using it. You do, however, have paid options to:
- Advertise your Mioola Page.
- Send and purchase virtual items.
- Upgrade your account.
Why am I getting a Mioola invitation email from a friend?
You received this email because a Mioola member is inviting you to join Mioola. Mioola allows people to send invitations to their contacts by entering email addresses.
If you're already registered for Mioola, your friend may have used an email address of yours that isn't currently linked to your Mioola account.
How do I complete the signup process and confirm my email address?
To complete the signup process, we need to confirm that you own the email address you used to set up your account. This way, we know we're sending your account info to the right place.
To confirm your email address, enter the code from Mioola's signup confirmation email.
How do I find friends on Mioola?
After you join Mioola, you can search for your friends:
Search for friends
You can search for your friends by typing their names, email addresses or any information about them in the search bar. You can search only public information and by email address, if the privacy option is not "Only Me".
How do I make sure that my friends can find me on Mioola?
Here are a few things you can do to make sure your friends can find you on Mioola:
- Use your real first and last name on your account and make it public.
- Fill in your basic info (ex: contact info) so people can find you when they use the search bar.
- Make sure your Contact Info privacy option is not Only Me, so they can search you by Email or Phone.
How do you create a new post?
To create a new post:
1. Go to the page where you want to post and make sure you have permission to post there. Go to your profile, page or friend's profile.
2. Click/Tap on the + icon from the top menu.
3. Select posting type. What are you posting about? (You can post news, reviews, items to sell, articles, an event, stylish cards, live broadcast etc.)
4. Type in any details you want to add (photos, video, text, YouTube videos, Mioola pages, etc.)
To upload photos click/tap the Photo Icon, then drop all the photos from your device on the upload field, or click/tap on it to select photos from your device.
To upload a video click/tap the Video Icon, then drop a video from your device on the upload field, or click/tap on it to select a video from your device.
5. Click/Tap on the Feather Icon (for sensitive material), if your content is not for everyone to see.
6. Click/Tap on the Gift Icon to select a gift. This way people must send you that gift to see your posted content.
7. Select who can comment your post.
8. Select an audience for your post. When you post something, you can choose who can see it (ex: Everyone, Friends, Invited).
9. Click/Tap Post.
How do I share media from other sites?
To share a video or a song from other sites you need to add the link to your Post and the media will be embedded in your Post.
No, we don't sell any of your information to anyone and we never will.
You have control over how your information is shared, so we won't share your personal information with people or services who you don't want to have it. We don't give advertisers access to your information.
How to navigate on Mioola?
Your profile menu is located on any profile page:
1. Click/Tap on your profile picture icon right, top of the page.
2. Click/Tap on your username/name to see the profile menu.
Go to the user's profile page and below the profile name click on the ... (Three Dots) icon to see available actions like:
- Add as Friend/Accept Friendship/Friends
- Send a Gift
- Add to Page
- Invite
- Block User
- Report
The page menu is located on any user created page:
1. Go to your created pages (Click/Tap on Pages from THE PROFILE MENU) and select a page OR visit any user created page from front page.
2. Click/Tap on the Page Name to see the page menu and available actions.
To access your account notifications, messages, conversations, chatrooms, click on the Bell Icon(top of the page), this will open the notification window. The number of unread notifications are displayed on the Bell Icon in real-time.
Older/read Messages - To display older messages click/tap the ... icon on the bottom of the notification window.
Mioola Messenger - Click/Tap the Comment Bubble Icon on the bottom of the notification window to access Mioola conversations and chatrooms.
How to control what content I see?
Content is displayed based on your language skills, age, selected interests, sensitive filter and geographic location. Please make sure that the info is provided and correct, so we can offer the best experience for you. You can change this info on your profile About page.
Also, you can find the Sensitive Material filter on your profile > the settings icon > account.
How do I use hashtags?
You can add hashtags in the description of your post, photo, video or in your profile info(about section).
After you tag your post with a hashtag, you'll be able to tap the hashtag to see a page that shows all public content people have uploaded and created with that hashtag.
You can also search hashtags with Mioola search, enter like this: #YourHashtag.
How do I send a message to someone?
To send a message:
Go to the user's profile page: Go to their profile page and tap ... (three dots icon) and Send Message.
Once the user sends a response to your message, the user will be added to your Messenger contact list for further interaction.
What is a Sensitive Material Filter?
if your content is not suitable for everyone to see (example: if not suitable for every age group), then you must use the Sensitive Material Filter (Terms and Conditions) by clicking on the Feather Icon.
The Sensitive Material Filter is activated once the Feather Icon has a circle around it.
Sensitive content does not appear to users who have this filter activated, underage users and for some users it may display warning, based on the users settings.
If you create multiple accounts, Mioola reserves the right to delete all of them.
If you want to represent your business, organization, brand or product on Mioola you can use your account to create and manage a Page. You can use your business name to manage your page.