
How do you create a new post?

To create a new post:

1. Go to the page where you want to post and make sure you have permission to post there. Go to your profile, page or friend's profile.
2. Click/Tap on the + icon from the top menu.
3. Select posting type. What are you posting about? (You can post news, reviews, items to sell, articles, an event, stylish cards, live broadcast etc.)
4. Type in any details you want to add (photos, video, text, YouTube videos, Mioola pages, etc.)
To upload photos click/tap the Photo Icon, then drop all the photos from your device on the upload field, or click/tap on it to select photos from your device.
To upload a video click/tap the Video Icon, then drop a video from your device on the upload field, or click/tap on it to select a video from your device.
5. Click/Tap on the Feather Icon (for sensitive material), if your content is not for everyone to see.
6. Click/Tap on the Gift Icon to select a gift. This way people must send you that gift to see your posted content.
7. Select who can comment your post.
8. Select an audience for your post. When you post something, you can choose who can see it (ex: Everyone, Friends, Invited).
9. Click/Tap Post.