You can change your page status to Public, Unlisted, Password or Members on your page, using the button located below your page name:
Public This page and its content are displayed publicly on Mioola, includes suggestions. Unlisted This page and its content are NOT displayed on Mioola, unless advertising campaign is active. Suggestion bar is disabled. Password This page and its content are accessible only to admins or via the unique password link on your page settings. Members This page and its content are accessible only to members and admins. If the gift membership is active, then anyone can get a membership by sending you the gift.
How can I increase my page and content views?
You can increase your page and content views in two ways:
- Make sure your page is Public. Make your Mioola page more findable by using a proper page description and correct target location and language. Add a description for your photos and videos. Most importantly, keep your page active by posting valuable content.
- Use the Mioola Page Promoter advertising service.
How do I create a page on Mioola?
To create Mioola page:
1. Go to your profile and click/tap Pages from THE PROFILE MENU, then + icon and choose from one of the two options. Create a Page for my Website or Create a Page. First one creates a Mioola Page based on your website, the other one does not require a website.
2. Now you need to complete the form by following the instructions given. Once you complete the form, your Mioola page will be created.
Why is my page suspended on Mioola?
There can be several reasons; you can find more information about the reasons in Mioola Terms and Conditions.
If you think that your page was wrongfully suspended you can contact us.
How can I advertise my site or business on Mioola?
You can reach more people with The Mioola Page Promoter. Every page you create has an advertising campaign section. To manage the advertising campaign click/tap the speaker icon on your page.
To find your advertising balance and overview, go to your profile and click/tap the settings icon and Page Promoter box.
There are three ways how users are added to pages:
1. To add a friend to your page as an admin or a member.
- Go to the user's profile page and click the ... (three dots icon under the name) and the Add to Page button appears, click on it and select a page from the list to add.
- A confirmation box will appear where you need to decide if you want to make the user an admin or a member.
2. Page admin can add friends as members to a page, if allowed by the page owner:
- Go to the user's profile page and click the ... (three dots icon under the name) and the Add to Page button appears, click on it and select a page from the list to add as a member.
3. By activating the page membership gift option:
Everyone who visits your page has an option to get a membership, by sending you your chosen gift. Once they send the gift, they are automatically added to your page as a member.
Also see: What is a page status and how do I change it?
How do I unlink my Mioola page from my personal profile?
To remove all references from your business page to your personal profile go to Your Profile > Settings Icon > Profile and find the last box named Pages and Privacy, click Edit Info and make necessary changes and click Edit Info again.
Why was my page deleted?
Mioola may delete or unlist inactive pages (forgotten pages without any public interest, pages without any visits), pages without content or pages containing SPAM.
More: Terms and Conditions