3 years ago
Kratom Scientists Pen Letter Questioning Case Report Review Podcast | Dr. Cachat and Brian look at a letter (Smith et al, 2022) authored by former Kratom Science Podcast guests Dr. Kirsten Smith, Dr. Oliver Grundmann, Dr. Chris McCurdy, Dr. Darshan Singh, and other experts in the kratom field. The letter questions a systematic review (Broyan et al, 2022) of kratom case reports that offers buprenorphine as a solution to “kratom use disorder”. Kratom-related case reports typically originate with patients showing up to emergency rooms and physicians’ offices with symptoms. In these case reports, kratom product samples are rarely if ever tested for adulterants or contamination. #kratomresearch #kratomscience #kratomproducts #research #science #kratomscientists #podcast https://kratomlords.com/kratom-research/kratom-scientists-pen-letter-questioning-case-report-review/