2 years ago
Kratom tea - An In-Depth Study Kratom tea study stirs up new support for relieving opioid dependence University of Florida researchers found kratom delivered significant pain-relieving benefits, reduced opioid withdrawal symptoms and caused minimal respiratory depression. - Kratom tea - An In-Depth Study The UF study evaluated lyophilized kratom tea, or LKT, which Dr. McCurdy found contains more than 20 alkaloids, or organic compounds, in varying levels. LKT is considered one of kratom’s truest forms, most similar to the traditional preparation. Some, but not all, products available in the West are highly concentrated extracts or have been formulated as manufactured products with manipulated levels of alkaloid content. #Kratom #KratomTea #KratomNews #KratomResearch #KratomStudy #DrChrisMcCurdy #DrJayMcLaughlin #OpioidEpidemic #OpioidWithdrawal #UFCollegeofPharmacy #UniversityofFlorida https://kratomlords.com/kratom-news/kratom-tea-an-in-depth-study/